Have questions about whether you are eligible for Social Security Disability? Many people are eligible, and don’t even know it. Here are some basic to shed some light on a complicated subject.
Social Security Disability is a program that has been set up by the federal government to compensate people who are unable to work. To qualify for social security disability, you must have a physical or mental condition that has lasted for a year or longer, or one expected to last for a year or longer. For example, let’s say a person develops cancer. If they are able to return to work within a year, then they wouldn’t be eligible for disability benefits. But in all likelihood, by the time they go through the whole process of chemotherapy and treatment, they will be out for a year. In many of these cases, people who have cancerous conditions qualify for social security disability.
Let’s say you are injured on the job. You are also eligible to receive social security disability benefits if your injury from that accident keeps you out of work for a year. As injury lawyers, we represent a wide variety of these cases from physical ones such as cardiac conditions and back injuries to mental impairments like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. We often represent veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and aren’t able to work because of the symptoms they experience.
In order to qualify for social security disability benefits, you must have paid a certain amount of money into the system. If you have met the earnings criteria, you are eligible for disability, and ultimately for Medicare. However, there are some who have never even paid into this system, maybe never even worked, and they are potentially eligible for supplemental disability income benefits, called SSI. You still have to meet the same criteria to prove that you’re disabled, but you also need to meet the financially needy criteria. If those criteria are met, along with SSI, you would be eligible to receive Medicaid benefits. Even children under age 18 who have never worked may be eligible for SSI benefits just because their condition is severe enough to cause serious problems in their ability to function as a regular child would.
The social security administration has certain guidelines, regulations, and criteria that they follow and use to determine if you are disabled based upon your physical or mental condition. They take a look at your educational background, your work experience, the skill level of your work experience, and your ability to do any prior work or any other job. Age is also taken into account toward these criteria. An experienced social security disability lawyer is familiar with those guidelines and criteria and what is needed to prove your case. We will meet with your doctor and obtain statements and evidence from other witnesses to help prove your case.
If you think you are eligible for social security disability benefits, contact Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon. We have a team of experienced personal injury lawyers and social security disability lawyers who can help bring your case to a successful outcome.