Nearly everyone will be involved in a real estate transaction during their lifetime, whether purchasing land, a home or commercial property or getting involved in real estate investments, ventures, and development. Given the major investment that real estate represents, it is important to have an experienced Pensacola real estate attorney at your side to protect your individual and business interest.
At Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon a significant portion of our daily business is devoted to real estate transaction and real estate litigation law.
Our real estate attorneys represent buyers and sellers of residential properties on just about everything from new homes to land. Several of our real estate attorneys are Board Certified Specialists by the Florida Bar, certified for their expertise specifically in Real Estate Law. Two of our real estate attorneys have been named “Best Real Estate Lawyers in America” for more than 20 consecutive years.
Whatever your real estate needs, the right legal advice at the outset can protect your immediate and long-term interests.
Our real estate attorneys are experienced in all areas of real estate transactions, including:
In addition, our attorneys render title opinions on everything from homes to undeveloped tracts of land. We can provide title insurance through virtually any insurance company that does business in the Southeast. We are an agent for several state and national title insurance companies, and we work closely with these companies to identify and resolve any title issues that might arise.
Emmanuel, Sheppard & Condon can handle any type of litigation that concerns real property, including:
Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon has been certified as compliant with the Best Practices framework of the American Land Title Association by Warren Averett, LLC.
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