If you’re involved in a trucking accident, the first thing to do is make sure you get any medical attention that you need. In addition, try to get all the evidence that you can. If possible, try to take photographs of the scene of the accident and the vehicles involved. And then be sure you see a truck accident lawyer that is experienced in handling trucking accidents early on.
When you have a truck accident vs. a car accident, you have different regulations, laws, and statutes that come into play that do not exist in an automobile accident. For example, in a trucking accident, you have regulations governing the size and the weight of the vehicles, the load of the vehicles, and how long a driver can be on the road or any breaks they need to have. You have laws governing physical examinations of drivers.
Some of the challenges in trucking accident cases occur in gathering the information necessary to establish liability. In a car accident, you can look to the witnesses, the people involved and go to the accident scene to obtain much of the relevant information.
In a trucking accident, however, there is a lot more information that needs to be gathered and it is often in the hands of the trucking company. You have to be able to obtain that information from the trucking company as well as governmental entities. This is a major challenge that’s a surprise to most people who are involved in a trucking accident.
It’s important to have an experienced truck accident lawyer because of the unique laws and regulations that are applicable or relevant to the trucking industry that are not applicable to the ordinary driver on the road. If you don’t obtain the services of a lawyer, often you will be taken advantage of by the insurance company or the trucking company, and not receive the settlement that you are entitled to.
At Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon, we are highly experienced in trucking cases and have the strength necessary to deal with cases this size. Call our truck accident attorneys today at 850-444-4878 for a free case review and learn more about our services.