Any person who is injured as the result of someone’s error or negligence has the right to seek compensation for their injuries in civil court. This is not only the case when the at-fault party is a private person. You have the same rights if you were hurt by a federal employee or the government itself. There is a difference: You will need to file an ante-litem notice.
Federal ante-litem is a notice to the government that you are going to be filing a civil lawsuit. You are informing the government that you are holding them liable for your injuries and property damage, and that you will be legally seeking compensation for your financial losses. In a federal ante-litem case, this notice must be filed within two years of the date of the incident.
If you intend to file a lawsuit against the federal government, the first form to fill out is Form 95. This is your ante-litem form. When the form is filed and delivered, the government can choose to accept or reject it. The government has six months to make its decision. If you do not file this form prior to filing a lawsuit, the lawsuit will be dismissed.
If you have been injured by a governmental employee in Pensacola, an experienced personal injury attorney can assist you in filing the correct paperwork to ensure your lawsuit moves forward. Do not attempt to file a lawsuit against the federal government on your own; there are necessary steps that must be taken.