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Written by: Attorney Scot B. Copeland While there are a number of ways to transfer property upon death in Florida, an enhanced life estate deed (also known as a Lady Bird deed) is often an inexpensive and efficient way of...
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Written by: Attorney Sally B. Fox A Florida Real Estate Power of Attorney (“FREPOA”) is a written legal document used for you to authorize a person (“Agent”) (at least 18 years old) to act on your behalf related to a...
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Written by: Attorney Amelia J. Strom In our day to day lives, taking care of ourselves and our loved ones is a priority, so why shouldn’t that be a priority when we are no longer able to do so? Estate...
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Written by: Attorney Chuck P. Hoskin             The primary purpose of probate is to create a record transfer or to transfer probate assets. Probate assets are assets that are titled just in the decedent’s name. Titled assets are primarily real...
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Written by: Attorney Van P. Geeker There are several types of trusts that you can establish for different purposes. Here is a short list of trusts with a brief description of possible uses or purposes. Revocable “living” or inter vivos...
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