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Losing a limb through any kind of traumatic accident is a textbook example of a catastrophic injury, which unfortunately means that no amount of financial restitution can completely erase the harm you have unfairly sustained. That said, demanding fair compensation from the person or people responsible for causing your injury can still be key to maximizing your quality of life for years or even decades to come.

You have help available from start to finish with this type of civil claim from a capable and compassionate Miramar Beach amputation lawyer. At Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon, our team of professionals understands exactly how devastating this sort of injury is. Through years of past experience, we know how to get the best possible case outcome on your behalf.

Recovering from an Amputation Injury

Losing a hand, foot, arm, or leg is a life-altering experience not just in physical terms but also in financial and psychological ones. When seeking financial recovery, it is crucial to consider both economic and non-economic forms of harm, as well as both past and future losses you have and will experience.

While every case is unique, the kinds of compensable losses that often factor into amputation claims in particular include:

  • Medical expenses for all injury-related care, including long-term rehabilitative treatment
  • Disability-related costs for things like prosthetics and home/vehicle modifications
  • Lost working and earning capacity
  • Physical pain and discomfort
  • Emotional anguish and trauma
  • Lost overall enjoyment of life

Fortunately, Florida no longer puts artificial limits, or “caps,” on financial recovery for any type of harm stemming from a personal injury, so a Miramar Beach amputation attorney can help you demand full restitution for every loss your particular injury has and will cause you.

Proving Someone Else Liable for Loss of Limb

Legal counsel can also help build a strong civil claim for an amputation injury based on the legal theory of “negligence.” With relatively few exceptions, someone is only legally liable for a personal injury if they contributed to causing that injury through their own negligent behavior—in other words, through a reckless or careless violation of a “duty of care” they owed to the injured person.

Depending on the circumstances, a “duty of care” can be something as broadly applicable as the obligation all motor vehicle drivers have to obey the rules of the road or as specific as the “standard of care” a medical professional is expected to meet while treating a patient. A seasoned lawyer can help you prove that someone caused your amputation injury in Miramar Beach through legally actionable misconduct.

Contact a Miramar Beach Amputation Attorney for Help

Even if it seems obvious to you who is to blame for your loss of limb, holding them accountable for that injury through civil litigation can be far from a simple process. You may have a surprisingly difficult time getting any money at all—let alone the full amount you deserve for your damages—without professional legal representation on your side.

Fortunately, a Miramar Beach amputation lawyer from Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon can provide the assistance you need to pursue the compensation you deserve. Call today for a consultation.