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Many parts of the human body can heal on their own from various types of damage, especially with assistance from modern medical science. One part that cannot repair itself like a broken bone or a torn muscle can, though, is the central nervous system. There is only so much that cutting-edge medical treatment can do to alleviate the effects of nervous system damage.

As any experienced paralysis injury attorney knows, damage to the central nervous system generally causes widespread loss of sensation and motor function, but exactly how that paralysis manifests can change a lot depending on the nature of the damage done. Below are the main causes of paralysis in Miramar Beach that our team of professionals at Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon often help file suit over, all of which could serve as grounds for legal action.

Spinal Cord Trauma

Spinal cord injuries are by far the most common cause of paralysis in Miramar Beach and across the entire country. The spinal cord—a “cord” of nerves running from the brain down the length of the spine—is the central pathway that all nervous system signals travel along. Injuries to the lower part of the spinal cord close to the tailbone can cause paraplegia of the lower legs and groin. In contrast, injuries higher up the spine and closer to the neck may result in quadriplegia of all four limbs as well as the entire torso.

Severe Brain Damage

While somewhat less common than spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are also a major cause of paralysis in Miramar Beach, which can often be traced back to another person’s reckless or careless actions. In addition to paraplegia and quadriplegia, certain types of brain damage can also cause other more unique forms of paralysis—for example, hemiplegia of the entire left or entire right of the body, extending from head to toe.

Penetrating Injuries

Industrial accidents, high-speed car crashes, and intentional criminal acts such as assault can also cause paralysis under certain circumstances if they lead to an external object penetrating the body and damaging nerves as a result. Penetrating injuries in the shoulders and hips can be especially harmful in this regard, as they may cause what is known as monoplegia, or paralysis in a single arm or leg while the remaining three limbs continue functioning normally.

High-Degree Burns

Finally, widespread third-degree burns—and sometimes second-degree burns as well—can destroy enough nerve endings to cause paralysis in the affected areas. This type of paralysis typically manifests only as a loss of sensation. Still, burns in certain areas or penetrating deep past the surface of the skin can result in a loss of motor function in the impacted areas.

A Miramar Beach Can Help Sue Over Accidents Resulting in Paralysis

No matter how your paralyzing injury happened or what specific form that injury took, you should not have to pay all by yourself for all the physical, financial, and personal losses it will cause you. One thing all the common causes of paralysis in Miramar Beach listed above have in common is that they can all be difficult to take effective legal action over, even if you have lots of evidence to prove that someone else is at fault for harming you.

A skilled lawyer at Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon can step in to help you build the strongest possible lawsuit and maximize your chances of achieving fair financial restitution. Call today for a confidential consultation.