The loss of a limb falls under “catastrophic injury” since it inevitably will alter the course of your personal and professional life from the moment of the accident. Because this injury will detrimentally affect your physical and emotional health, you deserve maximum compensation for your losses and fair restitution from the person at fault.
If you have lost a limb in an accident due to another party’s fault, you have help available from a Pace amputation lawyer in pursuing legal action against everyone responsible. Our team of professionals at Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon has years of experience helping people get favorable results in personal injury cases. Once retained, our dedicated catastrophic injury attorneys will tirelessly protect your rights in all legal proceedings.
Money alone cannot possibly make up for every negative effect that the loss of a limb can have on your life. The purpose of civil litigation in recovering compensation for “catastrophic injuries” is not to restore you to your pre-accident condition but rather to improve your long-term quality of life as much as possible by reimbursing you for specific “damages” you can trace back to the physical trauma you have sustained.
With that in mind, a comprehensive lawsuit or settlement demand over an accident resulting in the loss of a limb should typically factor in things like:
During a private consultation, a Pace limb loss attorney will discuss what damages you can incorporate into your claim.
Even though the loss of a limb is a severe consequence, Florida courts do not assume someone is liable for another person’s injury solely because the injury is life-changing. As the “plaintiff” pursuing civil restitution, you will have the burden of proving the “defendant” directly caused your injuries by committing an irresponsible or illegal act, thus violating their “duty of care.”
Another standard rule for personal injury claims is the “statute of limitations.” As of 2023, Florida law requires people injured due to another party’s negligence to file suit within two years of the injury. It is crucial to contact a credible amputation lawyer in Pace as soon as possible for help seeking compensation within the legal deadline.
Personal injury litigation can be challenging, especially when determining the financial value of a permanently disabling injury. With that said, you should understand and proactively enforce your legal rights. Working with capable legal counsel can be critical to effectively pursuing your claim.
Talking with a skilled Pace amputation lawyer can answer essential questions about your possible civil claim and clarify your next steps toward filing one. Call today to set up a meeting.